Monday, July 6, 2009

Sighting: "So I Herd U Liek Team Fortress"

Recently announced Korean third person action figure shooter H.A.V.E. Online has been making waves in the shooter community for the last few weeks, but not for it's original setting or it's concept of adorable anime dolls coming to life and shooting each other to bloody plastic stumps over a rare, precious power source known as the Double A.

No, this is what people are talking about.

Comparison shots: H.A.V.E. to the left, Team Fortress 2 on the right

Seeing as virtually everything in the Korean gaming industry essentially apes styles. and features of preexisting games, I usually let it slide when I see some things from one game superimposed in another.
Western gamers love to find similarities between things and cry "RIP OFF!" that's no news, however when the Korean gamer community starts to point it out themselves, you know it's got to be bad.
Based on the trailer, it is.
Having nearly identical graphics, weapons, and gameplay would be enough to get people upset, but the trailer even used a big band style jazz track that has an uncanny resemblance to the now iconic music found in many of the Team Fortress 2 Meet the Character videos.

After being inundated by the largely negative response to the likeness of H.A.V.E. Online's trailer to the preexisting first person shooter, publisher SK iMedia released the following statement.

"Debating (as to if it's a rip off or not) is like having blind men touching an elephant and describing what it looks like,"
"We will reveal the gameplay soon. Other than that, we have no comment at this time."

Here's hoping the trailer was simply an homage to Team Fortress, and H.A.V.E. Online has some radically different game modes from TF2 by it's release, or we could possibly see Valve get involved with legal action before this is over.


1 comment:

  1. Foarte interesat subiectul postat de tine, m-am uitat pe blogul tau si imi place ce am vazu am sa mai revin cu siguranta.
    O zi buna!
